The Bluebell Railway Trust has been bequeathed a truly amazing and much-beloved collection from a generous patron.

Consisting of mainly locos and coaches, many items are mint and still boxed and will be made available in tranches each week from our online shop.


Keep checking back here or follow us on Instagram to be notified immediately when new items are added.

Bachmann 31-265 Motor Luggage van late SR Multiple Unit Green DCC Ready

Bachmann 31-426 4CEP EMU 7126 late SR Multiple unit green

Bachmann 32-151 N Class 31813 BR Lined black livery

Bachmann 32-230 Class 3F Fowler Jinty 47483 BR Black Early Emblem

Dapol 2D-003-007 Cllass 52 BR Maroon D1012 Western Firebrand

Dapol 2S-002-010 Schools Class Brighton 30915 BR Green

Dapol 2S-013-005 9F 92006 BR early Crest BR1G Tender weathered

Dapol 2S-018-003 Hymek D7013 Two Tone Green

For orders over £100