The Bluebell Railway Trust has been bequeathed a truly amazing and much-beloved collection from a generous patron.
Consisting of mainly locos and coaches, many items are mint and still boxed and will be made available in tranches each week from our online shop.
Keep checking back here or follow us on Instagram to be notified immediately when new items are added.
Dapol ND-011A Class 73 Pullman 73101 Brighton Evening Argus
Graham Farish 371-128 Class 33 D6577 in BR Green with Late Crest
Graham Farish 371-606 Class 42 Warship D820 Grenville BR Green
Graham Farish 372-427 WD Austerity Class 90201 BR Black late crest weathered DCC ready
£100.00 (Currently Out Of Stock)
Graham Farish 372-931 N Class 2-6-0 31844 BR Black early emblem
Hornby R2463 BR 2-8-0 Class 8F 48739
Hornby R2656 BR BO-BO Diesel Electric Class 73 E6001 Locomotive DCC Ready
Hornby R3162 BR 2 BIL 2134 Train Pack