Product ID: 5565The ideal way to start your adventure into Scenic modelling.
As mundane as it may sound, straight waysides are not so easy to reproduce perfectly in a model. During one of your next walks, observe what is sprouting up or growing around you You’ll be surprised at the variety. Not only waysides but also embankments and roadsides can be perfectly designed with the Vegetation Starter Set As well as Gravel, with which you can design the path, the set accordingly contains a lot of Grasses, Tufts and Scatter Material.
With an ever-increasing product portfolio, sometimes it’s hard to decide which colours and materials to use when designing your layout. In order to make your decision easier and recommend the right Gaugemaster materials for the various applications, our modellers have taken the trouble to put together special Vegetation Starter Sets for you. Inside each set is a selection of products to suit the various themes. So, you can start right away and experience the effect and application of the materials.
We made an effort to present as many products as possible in every Vegetation Starter Set. The quantities are sufficient for smaller areas. Since the item numbers are indicated on all the packaging and products, individual items can be purchased later at any time. In addition, each set offers a saving of at least 10% when compared to buying the products separately.